My How Time Flies

To our dear Mom's Dish readers:

We regret that we have been terribly tardy in posting anything new to the site in months! It seems that the task of mommyhood has occupied all of our time. Nevertheless, we haven't forgotten you, and we promise that we will once again give you the attention you deserve.

So as we begin to resurface from a mess of sticky Cheerios, apple juice sippy cups and nibbled-on crayons, we'd like to know what you'd like to see on this site. If you have any suggestions for topics, ideas for fun activities or anything else that suits your fancy, just leave us a comment. Also, if you'd be interested in regularly contributing to the Mom's dish, let us know. Afterall, being a mom is an all-consuming responsibility, and we all need a little help!

Your frazzled Mom's Dish friends