Cloth Diapering, a Perfect Nursery


My mom has been here for nearly a week, so we've been running around having fun, and in the meantime, I've been focusing on this project for my son. I tell you that because the combination has meant a severely neglected blog. I apologize! Meal Plans will be posted in a few days (I Promise, Crissy!), along with some other fun stuff!

In the meantime though, I'm planning on using cloth diapers for our little girl. So I recently purchased a couple Fuzzi Bunz at a local green-living store, but then I also recently registered forgDiapers. I'm trying to decide which may suit our needs best. What do you think about cloth diapering? Are there any systems you would highly recommend? Leave a comment and let us know! (By the way, if you'd like some great info about cloth diapering vs. disposable diapering, Kat Phillips did a great guest post on this blog. You can read it here.)

I'm also looking for some great registry shops other than the usuals. What are some of your favorite shops/online sites for baby gear and clothing?

Lastly ... a little something fun for you to browse. This nursery is absolute perfection! Quite unattainable for most, yes I know, but it's a great source for inspiration! The only downfall if this were in my home ... I don't think I'd ever leave!

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